

Siena Root – Swedish root rock experience!

Mittwoch, 28. Juni 2017
20:00- Uhr

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Siena Root came to life in Stockholm and is today considered one of the pioneering Swedish bands in root rock music. They persistently pulled through with releasing their first album on vinyl back in 2004, long before the retro trend had people carrying down their old turntables from the attic. The quest to bring out the beauty of analogue music production to the listeners continued. The live act came to be an uncompromising show, using all the heavy vintage equipment that most bands lack the strength and passion to carry along. Even a full size multi-track tape recorder was brought on tour during the recording of the live album. The immense dedication to do it all the way is what made Siena Root stand out from the bunch.

With a vast discography and a reputation of being an extraordinary live act, Siena Root are now releasing their seventh album. Driven by their passion for experiments with analog music production they went deep into the Swedish forest, where musical inspiration can only be distracted by the scent of magnetic tape. The result was as always; heavy drum grooves, solid bass riffs, screaming guitar/organ dogfights and powerhouse vocals. All working together in a classic, yet playful and dynamic interaction. But there’s more to it. This album was made as much for listening as for feeling, thinking and dreaming. A dream of lasting peace...




Die Kantine - Yard Club

Neusser Landstr. 2
50735 Köln
Deutschland NRW
0221 - 167 916 0

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andere: Konzerte Nightlife, Köln Szene
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Die Kantine - Yard Club



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