SUB SONIK STRIKE ONE - Release 17. March 2017

WERCD006 Sub Sonik   Strike One  cover 3000xRising to become one of Raw Hardstyle’s most valuable assets, WE R representative Sub Sonik has inevitably impacted the industry with the unique, revolutionary zest he injects into the genre. Boasting an eclectic discography filled with knockout hits and monstrous bangers, Sub Sonik’s musical collection is about to drastically expand as he’s proud to announce the arrival of his debut album “Strike One.”

To be released on WE R on the 17th of March, 2017, “Strike One” is a body of work that showcases Sub Sonik’s personal vision, whilst combining this musical philosophy with top-tier names such as Zatox, Digital Punk, Sub Zero Project, Brennan Heart, Atmozfears, Deetox and MC Villain in exclusive collaborations. Containing forthcoming solo slammer “No Fear” and mega-collab “Hear You Scream” with Outbreak, the album will also shift listeners into the highest gear with official remixes by Destructive Tendencies, Delete and Tha Playah!

Forecasting demolishing kicks, with a breeze of fresh, powerful melodies and colossal atmospheres, Sub Sonik’s album “Strike One” will inevitably be the soundtrack to your summer!

Spread over two disks, CD1 contains all of Sub Sonik’s latest creations and is available for online purchase, whilst CD2 is a bonus cd on the physical product, with a smashing mix of already released singles such as Sub Zero Project’s collabs “Headbanger” & “Raise Your Fist” and M.F. Psycho.

“2016 was a turbulent year with many huge shows, the launch of a new merchandise line and of course, immense support from my incredible fans. The year offered me loads of inspiration and before I knew it I had over ten fully-finished new tracks, leading us to make the decision to bundle them together into my debut album: STRIKE ONE! I can’t wait for my fans to hear this; they, after all, are the ones who inspired this project in the first place! I’m so grateful to have such amazing fans who mean the world to me, so this album is also a gift to them – to thank them for all the love and support over the years...”

Now available:
Release date: 17 March 2017


1. Sub Sonik - I Am The One (with Villain)
2. Sub Sonik - Raw Is My Legacy (with Zatox)
3. Sub Sonik - Double Dare (with Brennan Heart)
4. Sub Sonik - Murder You
5. Sub Sonik - Ready For This (with Sub Zero Project)
6. Sub Sonik - My Way (with Deetox)
7. Sub Sonik - Born To Kill
8. Sub Sonik - No Fear
9. Sub Sonik - Hear You Scream (with Outbreak)
10. Sub Sonik - Push It Back (with Atmozfears)
11. Sub Sonik - R.I.P. (with Digital Punk)
12. Sub Sonik - Tear Your Soul
13. Sub Sonik - Nightmare
14. Sub Sonik - Look At Me Now (Delete Remix)
15. Sub Sonik - Take What's Mine
16. Sub Sonik - Go Fuck Yourself (Tha Playah Remix)
17. Sub Sonik - GO! (Destructive Tendencies Remix)
18. Dione - Pain Till I Die (Sub Sonik Remix)

CD2 (exclusive on physical product)
1. Sub Sonik - Free Your Mind
2. Brennan Heart - Outta My Way (Sub Sonik Remix)
3. Sub Zero Project & Sub Sonik - Headbanger
4. Outbreak - #Bassface (Sub Sonik Remix)
5. Alpha² & Sub Sonik - Say You Are Scared
6. Sub Sonik - Look At Me Now
7. Sub Sonik & Sub Zero Project - Raise Your Fist
8. Digital Punk & Sub Sonik - Bring It To 'Em Raw
9. Sub Sonik - Go Fuck Yourself
10. Sub Sonik - Go! (Welcome To My World)
11. Regain & Sub Sonik - Game Over
12. Crypsis & Sub Sonik - King Kong
13. Sub Sonik - M.F. Psycho
14. Sub Sonik - Fuck Y’all If You Doubt Me
15. Sub Sonik - To Hell
16. Sub Sonik - To Hell (Mrotek Remix)
17. D-Fence & Sub Sonik - Wazzup


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